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Saturday, May 14, 2011


ive never really ever been into flowers much, i like them ok, and i do think they are pretty (when tended by someone who can keep them any other shade than brown, like me) but ive never really had any interest in them, as a thought to tend to, or a decoration.

i can remember all my life, having my grandmother have plants and gardens around me.
shed always take the morning hours to tend to all her flowers. painstakingly picking off any dead leaves, plucking any wild weed, or growth, spraying them down with de-bugger, or fertilizing them.
she took great care of these precious fragile beauties.

i never cared too. i guess, i never picked that trait up from her. oh well.

i can seriously, kill a cactus. if you give me the hardiest, and most durable, and least attendance required, within weeks, the thing will be dead. seriously.

so, im not sure WHY i thought this was a good idea, other than i now have a handy amateur horticulturist for a husband, and i knew if it died i wouldnt need to feel any guilt over it. (i never did anyway, lol)
but for some reason, i thought getting THIS plant would be different. again, im not exactly sure why.

we were hunting the bricks down at the time for the turtles kiddie pool, seeing what we wanted, what we liked, what we could afford...etc.

and i am not a serious fan of the garden center anywhere we ever go, mainly because its got no AC in it...
and we had done our looking...thought we knew what we wanted...

were leaving....

and craig HAD to utter these words:

"well, see anything your interested in?'
seriously? why ask me that? i tend to do crazy things when asked that question.
i guess he already knew i wouldnt really want asking was safe.

im just now realizing, for the most part, i dont hear that same question if im in a place i actually

so, it didnt take 2 milliseconds for my brain to trigger the idea that i thought these Calli lilies i had seen were really pretty...
so, i said i liked them.

he assumes id want just any one, no..i like the combined colored ones, they had basic one colored, combined colored, and some deep purple ones (he liked those) and i like the yellow/red ones.

so we picked one out, with a smaller deep purple one as an alternate to the one i liked, cause it was for craig.
went and got potting soil, a pot, some rocks, etc...

i even had an area i wanted this to sit outside.

he cut off some of the straggler shoots and put them in a big galss jar i was saving for pennies (but never used)

there was another reason i chose this particular flower over others i had looked at.
i have a very dear freind of mine, i wont mention her name here, but if she reads this shell know who she is, and to make sure she knows...shes the ONLY one of my friends who has a collection of Cali Lilly pictures in black and white all over her house. ive even contributed to that collection. i try every time im with her to celebrate anything, to get her something in that thinking, so she has something beautiful she loves to look at around her...

anyway, i got it to remember her.

she had to disconnect from me on facebook, because her parents and some of the family on their sides were giving her issues over my friendship with her. as she explained it to me.
i understand.
so, i bought these to have her close to me in a time when we had little to no communication between us.
we still talked, it was in private tho, and not so frequent.

i miss her. think of her often. pray for her allot.

to: "You-Know-Who-You-Are" i love you. our never far from my thoughts.


Sunday, May 8, 2011


some pitures of the turtles on the kiddie pool a few days after we put them in for the summer of 2011



i look forward to the holidays that are just for me. im selfish. i enjoy celebrating me. :)
so, as always MOTHERS DAY rolls around one more time, and i get to go someplace i dont ususally eat at.

since my surgery (gastric, ive had the gastric sleeve) going out has almost become obsolete, and i really do look forward to the moments when i can celebrate, and i even enjoy it more so, when its all about me, like MOTHERS DAY, or my birthday.

we usually got someplace where craig can have a steak, and daniel can have a burger with bacon on it, and i..because of the surgery, have to look for something low car, low fat, low calorie. which is super hard to do when your eating out.

i had searched online for a restaurant that had a selection that would suit my needs since this surgery.
i ended up at LOGANS ROADHOUSE. they have a blackened fish that was reasonable.

these are pictures from that night. ENJOY! MICHELLE

craigs having fun. hes such a good man. i really do have a very good husband. i am blesses to have found him.

Daniel, never likes to have his picture taken, i have to sneak the photo op when i can. here hes involved in his itouch.

and me. happy mothers day michelle. :)

craigs standard dinner at logans: Steak, Potato, and a side of  skillet apples.

my much healthier meal. Grilled slamon, skewer of season veggies: zucchini, tomato, red onion, and a side of mushrooms

Daniels dinner. Burger without the "stuff" on it. and a side of french fries.

Protein is the priority when i eat anymore. so i ate my salmon 1st, which didnt leave allot of room for those sides, and i ended up having to take them home.

daniel got to eat the desert id have gotten if i hadnt had this surgery. he opted for a pudding desert.
onto the gifts!

Front of card: "Your obviously the worlds most perfect mom..."
Inside of Card: " How else would i have turned out so good? "   HAPPY MOTHERS DAY
my reason for this face is because, it was more about daniel (lol) than about me (and it was mothers day, lol)
its all good. i appreciate the card. love it actually. daniel takes great care in finding these moments to reflect on. its too bad he doesnt sign them.

FRONT OF CARD: " Stuff only Boring old parents like us understand" 
Date Night: the time parents go out and talk about the kids.
The ones who can drive you the craziest are thos little people you love the most

That a kiss besides being sweet now has great potential for GROSSING OUT the kids (lol)
That Tag teaming is a great concept in Pro Wrestleing and in kid wrangling
That 'For Better and For Worse" ususally means for worse at 2am in the morning.

That parenting is the GREATEST ADVENTURE (And Mystery) well ever know....
And its ANYTHING but BORING, with a FUN WONDERFUL WOMAN like you.. (AWWWW!)


it must run in the family, craig never signs His card either, lol
and with all the expectation of having something truthfully awesome tucked away insode the envelipe, i open it to find it ONLY held the card

Mothers Day Swag: 2 'BUBBA" Mugs.

MORE scary movies for my collection!
Logans souvenir : the small bucket the pudding daniel had was in.

daniel enjoying the REAL dessert id have been given had i had the stomach for it. yum!

and the whole reason i even get to celebrate this holiday. the greatest thing that i ever created. i love this kid!